So New York has come and gone and as usual its been a blast. Big Irish contingent there this year as well as the usual group of foreign drinkmates. Was great to meet the guys at Boom who are working on Farscape too and it seemed like there was a huge buzz around the Boom booth all weekend where everytime I walked passed it seemed like the books were flying off the shelves. Was really happy with how the Holofoil cover came out too, it printed really well.
Speaking of hollowfoil the next in the series of three which I did the covers for was announced at cbr here
http://comicbookresources.com/?page=article&id=20061Its gonna be out at Wondercon which I wont be making unfortunatly this time but Keith DeCandido (who I had the pleasure of meeting at the NY con) will be there all weekend.
Here are the Inks for it anyways

If this prints half as well as the first one I'll be a happy camper. I cant wait to get my hands on all three of them once they're all out. Emerald City is where the third will be unleashed.
Also out at the con was the Challengers cover for Farscape issue 2. I havent seen a pic of this on the net yet but once I do I'll post up the inks
Other than that right now Im working away on Farscape.... in Japan!!! surrounded by you guessed it, Japanese people. Its been a real crazy few days sampling the Japanese culture, landscape and the amazing food (something I never thought I'd be saying).
Right, back to drawing aliens