In the process of colouring it now and by god am I crap at it. Trying some funky techniques like crayons and fingerpaint but its just not working.
Heres the initial sketch that I started messing around with. Totally wasn't in the scanning mood last night but I took a quick snap

Here it is inked and I was messing around with the logo placement. I made a few small changes, especially with the Bushido

Update 2:
Next up is most of the flatting. A bit of trusty two tone shading, and some pink back lighting. The only thing close to being finished right now is the Night Ghosts coat

And Bam, the pic is pretty much finished

Really nice piece Will, love the design of the logo. I'm sure you'll get the colours down, use a mix of colour ink wash and water colour pencils, works for me.
Lookin good so far Will, can't wait to see it finished, with an image of me saying 'i love girls' in the background...
Nice rendering by the way
very sweet piece Will, you should be pround.
Wow, that's just gorgeous.
That looks excellent Will, really strong composition. You've really done some fantastic work with those characters and I honestly can't wait to see the finished book. Just so ya know folks, the interior pages I've seen are just as good.
Cheers guys. The final piece has a few tiny tweaks. I'm really happy with it considering its one of the first things I've coloured really apart from a few dabbles.
I cannot wait until its printed
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