So I'm finished the first volume Rocket Group and am pretty damn happy. Had a bit of a rush the last few weeks making sure that I got it done before I went off to New York (Cant feckin wait by the way) Plan is now to relax for a bit and head away. When I'm back in Ireland the buildup will begin for the Dublin and Birmingham cons which should be a blast so hauling mysaelf back across the Atlantic wont too much of a pain
Congrats on finishing Will, bet you just want to get it out there now right? Not long now. If the rest of the comic is as good as the few pics you've showed here then it should go down well.
Are you heading to a con in the states you lucky bastard?
Hi Will,
The comic looks great. I was just curious if you're open to new projects and are looking to send off any submissions to comic companies? I'm looking for an artist for a 4 issue mini series and wondered if you were looking to do that kind of thing.
If you're interested you can usually see me on the Millarworld forums or email me at
Enjoy New York.
Cheers guys. This holiday has absolutely nothing to do with comics thank god. Spending the time either on the beach or in the pub with good friends over there.
Stephen I'll be starting the next Rocket group when I get back as well as finishing off an Andy winter book I do in my spare time and a Your Round story for the mighty Declan Shalvey so I wont have time for any other projects Im afraid
Have a brilliant time in New Yawk Will, one a the best towns on the planet. See ya when ye get back man.
Nice lettering. The rest could do with some work. Muah haa haa!
Will do Steve, cant wait.
Oh and Dec that letterings been changed.. And i hate you
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