Thursday, November 08, 2007

Birmingham Convention book

Its late and i really should be asleep cz Im flying to the states for a few days in a few hours. This little thing was the highlight of the year for me


Anonymous said...

have a great time on the holiday you lucky bawstid

jimbott said...

Hey Will, I just stumbled upon your blog. Some great stuff up here, really digging on that Dredd :)

Hope you're well. Hopefully get a beer with you at bristol next year? I was in Turkey on holiday during Birmingham Con. Didn't realised when the missus and I booked our holiday :(

all the best

jamie said...

have a great time in the states,we just got back from two weeks in san fransisco and LA,and we had a blast.

Kevin Mc Namara said...

hey man nice job on the article but even better job with chester quest, well done! i didnt attempt it an the end, im not there just yet, but again well done man, keep us posted!

Will Sliney said...

Thanks guys, had a blast. Just back from the Dublin Con too which was just great, ill post about that later

jamie said...

when are we gonna get some art for richard III?
i'm dying to see.