Had a brilliant weekend at Aberdeen for a signing in Asylum Books and Games. Eat the biggest steak known to mankind and finally had a Tequila at the basement pub. Over the course of the weekend I did a draw off with Declan. We both had to do a Punisher piece. I like how mine doesnt look like a gay biker with his shoulders wider than the length of his body unlike Dec's piece!!!
They're called shoulder-pads Sliney. At least mine doesn't have a tiny head and a huge hand.
Oh so were bringing anatomy into this now are we!!!
You bet we are!
Wait, i just noticed this is you and me arguing; no one's voting as to whose's better. Maybe our arguing is too entertaining for people....
I can't pick.
(I generally see you both at Irish cons and don't want to be on the sketch blacklist)
No way I'm saying who's better.
Nice punisher Will, love the lighting on it. How's Richard III going?
Hmm... tough one. Think I'm gonna go with Dec's purely because its full-figure and I always find that a little harder to do well. Like this one a lot too though. You guys are alright.
my decision will be cast soon, what was the draw time for each?
not sure bout the drawing time Bob. Think I got mine done in about an hour. Maybe an hour and a half. Will spent longer on his.
Excellent work. If you're available to some work for an independent publisher, we're in need of artists. Check us out at VLEComics.com, and get in touch if interested. Thanks.
And please pardon my typo. :)
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