So I just finished my last page of Richard III bar the covers so Im feeling pretty good. Got the last page done aswell as a few sketches today. Heres a page in the style of the Clone Wars movie. (Star Wars again I know) and a Bizarro sketch.
Also I've been reformatting the blog quite a bit lately to include a 2d and 3d portfolio section. Theyre about halfways done at this present time. (The 3d section being the closest)
Starting my own book next week. Cant wait!!!
Hey man, i REALLY like the clone wars page. The dark shadows work really well on it for some reason.
nothing worth adding with regards to your star wars art...
sheer brilliance.
Really loving the 3D portfolio.any word on when the 2D one will be up?
Nice work dude, thanks for the comment!
Congrats on finishing up Richard III Will. Look forward to seeing it in print.
Cheers guys. 2d portfolio should be up today luke but I'll prob get sidetracked and start drawing something else.
Nice work. I wish I was as ripped as Bizzaro.
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