Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Gambit and Rogue

Done for a friend. Starting to mess around with the Manga Studio materials a bit more now. I saw Nick Runge's awesome piece where he used an effect similar to this (traditionally done mind you) so I wanted to try and achieve something close to it.
By the way Im going to be posting here a lot more. I was surprised with the amount of hits I've been getting lately so I better get my act together and post more


Declan Shalvey said...

That's really nice Will.

JG O'Donoghue said...

cool, really liking the composition

Gio said...

class, love the way yo've done gambits jacket!

finnegandraws said...


Unknown said...

As a multimedia student in CIT & a big time comic fan its great to see someone in the business, I've you get the Gambit gig I know I'll be picking it up!

nickrunge said...

This pure class Will! I love Gambit's face. Really nice job on this.