Good news today folks. I've just become part of the classical comics team, (this plays into my whole forever following Declan's career so far). Those of you detectives out there may have noticed in previous posts its for their Richard III book. The book itself will be a mammoth 144 pgs which will keep me busy for the best part of a year. This represents a big opportunity to me and I'm delighted to get it. Rest assured, those of you waiting to see more Rocket Group that I'm still finishing up the conclusion to the arc and possibly more!!
you lucky,lucky bastard.
may i ask what kind of samples you sent them?
i've been thinking of doing something but whenever i do,terrible fear creeps in...
It was actually the pieces you can see in the Your Round posts as well as a few of the Superman and Iron man pages. Its always good to send stuff in. Why don't you point me on to some of your stuff I can have a look over them if you like. Or alternatively you can just mail them to me at wsliney@gmail.com
congratumalations punk:)
thanks,will... i'll be at birmingham the weekend after next throwing stuff at andy winter,hopefully i'll have some new finished bits and pieces.
Congrats you lucky sonofabitch.
really really glad you got this,man
can`t wait to read it and the new roket group(though i can imagine roket group`ll be a while)
Congratulations my friend.
Welcome aboard. It's a god ship to be sailing on, i can tell you.
hey congtrats man well done, threw some new+olds stuff on my blog, check it out, let me know what you think! cheers man!
I ALMOST feel bad about the fact that ye're gonna get hockeyed by the 'pool next week....
hi finally got a blog!
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